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English translation for "通候"


Related Translations:
候讯:  await court trial or cross-examination
杨候:  yagoyako
庸候:  tsunetoki
常年候:  all weather
候驾:  wait to welcome sb.'s presence
候潮开航:  tide sail
候任总理:  designate prime minister
证候分类:  syndrome-classification
留针候气:  prolonged needling for acu-esthesia
候命职务:  call duty
Example Sentences:
1.Elizabeth tried hard to dissuade him from such a scheme ; assuring him that mr . darcy would consider his addressing him without introduction as an impertinent freedom , rather than a compliment to his aunt ; that it was not in the least necessary there should be any notice on either side , and that if it were , it must belong to mr . darcy , the superior in consequence , to begin the acquaintance
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