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English translation for "连写"

[ liánxiě ] 
joining of syllables in chinese phonetic transcription, e,g, rénmín (人民), tuōlājī (拖拉机)
Example Sentences:
1.When the number from 1 to n are written in decimal notation the total number of digits is 1890 .
2.He also wrote other papers on the subject and dealt with the resistance encountered by ships and ship propulsion .
3.The coach gave his team a chalk talk before the game
4.That is so far and the number is so big that i can t even write it down
5.He also opened his desk , sitting down before it , only to think strange thoughts
6.When the number from 1 to n are written in decimal notation the total number of digits is 1890
把从1至n之间的数连写成一个十进数,总位数是1890 。
7.It follows complex rules of layout involving consonants , vowels , special symbols , conjuncts and ligatures
8.These scripts follow complex rules of layout involving consonants , vowels , special symbols , conjuncts and ligatures
9.Additionally , this paper also provides a new idea to get meaningful words one by one from the chinese stream with high correctness , which is called concealed link writing
10.In not more than 80 words describe what happened from the moment the plane took off . write two different paragraphs using the points and connections given below
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