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English translation for "违误"

[ wéiwù ] 
(公文用语) disobey orders and cause delay 短语和例子

Related Translations:
迅速办理不得违误:  this is to be acted upon without delay
Example Sentences:
1.This is to be acted upon without delay .
2.Monte cristo smiled with satisfaction ; it appeared as if he had not expected so much from m . andrea cavalcanti . " besides , " continued the young man , " if there did appear some defect in education , or offence against the established forms of etiquette , i suppose it would be excused , in consideration of the misfortunes which accompanied my birth , and followed me through my youth .
“而且, ”那位青年人继续说, “即使在教育上有什么不足的地方,或者对于既定的礼仪有什么违误之外,但念及我与生俱来以及此后始终伴随着我的整个幼年时代的不幸,他们也会予以谅解的。 ”
Similar Words:
"违顺" English translation, "违顺相争" English translation, "违他顺自" English translation, "违特" English translation, "违陀" English translation, "违宪" English translation, "违宪的" English translation, "违宪审查" English translation, "违宪审查权" English translation, "违宪行为" English translation