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English translation for "远洋运输公司"

ocean shipping company
ocean transportation company
oceantransportation company

Related Translations:
远洋贸易公司:  far ocean trading co
远洋货物:  ocean-going goods
远洋海军:  ocean-going naval force
远洋贸易远洋运输:  deep-sea tradedesea trade
宁波远洋:  nosco
远洋生物:  marine pelagic organismpelagic organisms
远洋鱼:  pelagic fish
远洋传递:  oversea transmission
远洋运输业:  oversea shi ing tradeoversea shipping tradeoverseashi ing tradeoverseashipping trade
远洋舰艇:  sea-going ships
Example Sentences:
1.The 30 years ' development of qingdao ocean shipping company
2.Tianjin ocean shipping company
3.China ocean shipping company
4.Ocean transportation company
5.I ' ve got to introduce myself first . my name is wang lin from the china ocean shipping company
6.Dalian ocean shipping company is a typical shipping company . its achievement of on - land business is representative , and is worth to consult and use for reference
7.By confirmed , irrevocable l / c without recourse in favour of cosco for the total value of the contracted goods in poundssterling , payable at sight against presentation of shipping documents to the bank of china in the port of loading
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