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English translation for "远东豹"

amur leopard

Related Translations:
豹蟾蜍:  egyptian square-marked toadpanther toad
远东司:  far eastern department
远东时间:  far east time
远东共和国:  far eastern republic
远东公会:  far east conference
远东公司:  far east co
远东购物中心:  far east shopping centre
近东远东新闻:  near and far east news
远东桥牌联合会:  far east bridge federationfareastbridgefederation
远东交易所有限公司:  far east exchang ltd
Example Sentences:
1.Threats to the far eastern leopard
2.Siberia : catastrophic snowfalls threaten endangered leopard and tiger
3.Siberia : catastrophic snowfalls threaten endangered leopard and tiger
4.With only 40 individuals left in the wild , the far eastern leopard is on the brink of extinction
5.A conservation strategy for the far eastern leopard was developed by wwf in 1997 and approved as the national strategy in 1998
6.Poachers not only shoot this rare cat but also its prey , which include the roe and dappled deer , as well as racoons , badgers , and hares
7.This could in turn threaten the survival of both the far eastern leopard and the amur tiger or siberian tiger , whose main source of food is ungulates
8.A new protected area is being created within the bounds of the far eastern leopard s natural habitat , and preparations to introduce this animal to new areas are in progress
9.Pushing for the implementation of development strategies for the far - eastern ecoregion , that will contribute to stop the decline of the far eastern leopard s population
10.The far eastern leopard was featured in wwf s fundraising efforts in russia last year . several social events in moscow involving celebrities were dedicated to the leopard conservation programme
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