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English translation for "进水闸"

[ jìnshuǐzhá ]
[水文] intake work; intake; head gate; intake gate

Related Translations:
进水总管:  intake mainwater inlet manifold
进水速率:  intake rate
进水量:  flooding quantityinflowwater intake
进水软管:  water supply hose
递增进水:  progressive flooding
进水管线:  intake pipe line
进水通道:  access gallery
锅炉进水:  boiler feed water
进水空间:  inlet plenum
进水建筑物:  intake constructionintake structureintake works
Example Sentences:
1.To provide necessary data for design bypass pipe , an enlargement to bi liu river reservoir , the following problems have been studied by hydraulic model and theoretical analysis : the energy losses in water head of the bypass pipe system and of the flow - control valve and their scale effects , measurement and calculation of the discharge of the bypass pipe system during the bypass pipe system operation with and without the new water power station , the hydraulic characteristics of the water tunnel and draw - off pipe , the flow rate of the aqueduct bridge and the draw - off pipe and the water elevation of the flow in the aqueduct bridge during the old water power station operation with and without the new water power station
Similar Words:
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