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English translation for "进料浓度"

feed concentration
input concentration

Related Translations:
铀浓度:  uranium concentration
划一浓度:  uniform strength
浓度组分:  density component
初始浓度:  initial concentration of dust
允许浓度:  allowable concentration
浓度控制器:  consistency controller
药液浓度:  concentration of chemicalliquor strength
浓度系数:  concentration coefficientconcentration factor
中浓度:  medium concentration
浓度障碍:  concentration obstacle
Example Sentences:
1.Effects of variable methanol inlet concentration and cathode pressure on fuel cell performance and methanol crossover are analyzed
2.Under the appropriate conditions of sampling equipment of gas chromatographic headspace analysis , determine a suitable salt and a suitable extracting solvent by the orthogonal design method , then determine the fitting feed composition of ethanol - water mixture , the fitting distribution between extracting solvent and mixture , and the fitting salt concentration by the uniform design method
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