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English translation for "进攻计划"

scheme of attack

Related Translations:
进攻行动:  aggressive operation
战役进攻:  offensive of a campaign nature
夹塞进攻:  wedge-in attack
进攻速度:  tempo of attack
决定性进攻:  decisive play
阻击进攻:  block and attack
战术进攻:  tactical offensive
拉开进攻:  open attackopen play
传球进攻:  air attackpassing attachpassing attackpassing game
恩惠进攻:  boon strike
Example Sentences:
1.Taft, aldrich and cannon conferred in march 1910 and formulated a plan of attack .
2.The commander chalked out his plan of attack
3.He gave away the plan of attack to the germans
4.Mr . bauer , what is ctu ' s assault plan
鲍尔先生, ctu的进攻计划是什么?
5.In other words , plan your attacks far in advance , and try to see every angle before barging in and attempting to take control of your selected target
6.Competent reporters do not ask for troop movements , plans for attacks or operational information . should an incompetent reporter blunder into such questions , he is quickly stiffarmed
7.Which was rightdolgorukov and weierother ? or kutuzov and langeron and the others , who did not approve of the plan of attackhe did not know . but had it really been impossible for kutuzov to tell the tsar his views directly
8.Once you have your outline and storyboard ( or at least a ocktail napkin with your plan of attack written on it ) , begin to think about how to work interaction , animation , video and audio into your program
一旦你拥有了自己的大纲和情节串联图板(或者至少有一张写满了你的进攻计划的鸡尾酒? 423117 ?巾) ,你可以开始考虑如何将互动内容,动画,视频以及音频添加到你的课程中来。
9.This paper gives a brief introduction of the visualized modelling approach to combat plan which is based on uml , puts forward the static describing framework and presenting approach of dynamic actions and illustrates this modeling approach by the examples of the aire force ' s attack plan
简要介绍基于统一建模语言( uml )的作战计划可视化建模方法,提出了作战计划的静态描述框架和动态行为的表示方法,并通过空军进攻计划的实例来说明该建模方法。
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