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English translation for "进城务工农民"

migrant workers in cities

Related Translations:
进城:  1.(到城里去) go into town; go to town 短语和例子他率领大部队进城。 he marched into the city at the head of a large force.2.(到城市生活和工作) enter the big cities
农民进城务工经商:  migrate to cities for work or business
园务工人:  gardener
警务工作:  constabulary duty
水务工程:  waterworks
渠务工程:  drainage works
外来务工人员:  migrant worker
圣诞老人进城:  santa claus is comin' to town
化装进城:  go to town in disguise
乡下人进城:  out-of lowners thethe out of towners
Example Sentences:
1.Survival status of peasants in nanjing - a questionnaire survey of 127 peasants
2.Analysis and enlightenment from present situation of migrant workers in guangdong
3.Effects of political participation of rural workers in cities on social stability and corresponding countermeasures in social transformation period
4.Now , the urgent task is to realize the civilization of the transfer labor ' s children and reform the education system of rural area
5.At present , the city administration of our country has not found a reasonable and effective method to relieve the conflict . there are still many obstacles puzzled the government
6.With the profound development of our country ’ s urbanization , migrant workers have speed up their flowing into the city with every going day , also their time of staying in the urban areas has prolonged consequently
7.Rest on this , this text put forward the point of view as follows : in order to reduce the conflict between migrant workers and local city residents from the aspect of quality , it ’ s necessarily to construct one system featured fair co - governance of city affairs management , which consists of city government , community , citizens and migrant farmers
8.Thanks to the western social conflict theory , governance theory and comprehensive urban theory , the article finally come up with a practical method managing the conflict through the relevant experiences of western countries , that is , strengthen government ' s responsibility by lowering the conflict inducements of system , while coordinating the relationship at the same time
9.Based on all the cases and an all - round analysis of the today ’ s problem of our country , this article makes a deep explanation of the root causes of the conflict , including the non - system factors and the profound internal factors of the government - leading system and market - leading system
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