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English translation for "较晚的"


Related Translations:
年纪较:  junior to sb
较深:  darker
较迟缓:  behind
字码较结:  tight tension
较其官方:  osp
较年轻的:  minorsecondyounger
但速度较:  techno
较次要的:  minor
生活较优裕:  better off
较软钢:  softer steel
Example Sentences:
1.Pegmatites seem to form during a late magmatic stage .
2.I have the view that our enterprise is late in using this theory
3.Walter alcock , an englishman , later had the idea to put the paper on roll
4.A posterior image of the body was found on the back of the shroud
5.Re - signing an assembly at some later date , a delay - signed satellite assembly must be re - signed with the real key pair
6.However , they are sure to share something in common , that is , in the course of being adjusted themselves to the market economy , they come to have tendency of getting more and more healthy
7.This investigation placed the last common ancestor of bilaterian animals at a much younger date , though still older than the cambrian explosion , somewhere between 573 million and 656 million years ago
8.In the socialist market economy system , price has become a bridge between supply and demand . nowadays , electric industry has not set up an overall binding system on tariff setting owing its entering market later than others
9.Analysing data from over 2000 parents and 7000 adult children in the us national survey of family and households , davey also found that later divorces are more disruptive to the parent child relationship
戴维对美国全国范围家庭调查中对2 , 000名父母和7 , 000名成年子女的数据进行了分析,他在分析中发现,较晚的离婚对父母和子女的关系更有破坏性。
10.Independent component analysis ( ica ) technology developing is a later theory or method in fields of signal processing , but it was important that rapidly become a part of constitution of signal processing fields , and its developing tends gradually to maturity and systematization
独立分量分析技术( ica )是信号处理领域发展较晚的一种理论与方法,已迅速成为该领域内重要的组成部分,且其发展逐渐趋向成熟化与系统化。
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