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English translation for "转身投篮"

back-up shot
turn and shoot
turn shot

Related Translations:
转身:  turn-back; turn round; face about 短语和例子转身便走 turn (oneself) about [around] and go away; 转身就走 turn round to go; turn and walk away; 转身欲走 turn to leave; turn round and be ready to go; 他握了握我的手
反向转身:  counter rotation
平转身:  pivot turn
转身裁判员:  turning judge
转身走:  turn away
侧转身:  lateral turn
转身踢:  about body kickturnaround kick
转身步:  turn step
步转身:  chasse turn
快速转身:  flit turnquick turn
Example Sentences:
1.Near the end of the competition , with a beautiful round radish shooting , helped a third , into
2.He also proved incapable of adequately defending a post up player ( like erick damper ) who can take the ball into his body and then spin to the hoop
Similar Words:
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