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English translation for "躯干"

[ qūgàn ] 
[生理学] trunk; body; torso; pars trunci; truncus
◇躯干弯曲 comptocormia

Related Translations:
躯干骨:  bone of trunk
躯干肌:  muscles of trunk
躯干椎:  trunk vertebra
躯干烧伤:  burn of trunk
压躯干:  body press
躯干挫伤:  contusion of trunk
腹躯干:  abdomentrunk
躯干系:  somatic system
短躯干:  shortened trunk
小躯干:  nanocormia
Example Sentences:
1.Straight ahead of her, as though it were a rose on a stem .
2.The body of one statue was found among remains dating from fifteenth century b.c. .
3.The skeleton and musculature of the back are responsible for the support and movement of the trunk as a whole .
4.The boy was bending forward and pulling up from the soles of his feet, using all the leverage of his body and all of what weight he had on each lift .
5.Kicking involves the torso as well as the legs and feet
6.They were born without one torso . . . one set of lungs . .
7.Dual angled foot pegs provide multiple stabilization
8.He has a strong body , but rather thin legs
9.Mostly in his face , hands and torso
10.You must not compete in the cycle and run segment with bare torso
Similar Words:
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