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English translation for "跟着音乐"

follow the music

Related Translations:
跟着:  1.(跟随) follow; in the wake of 短语和例子我在前面走, 你们跟着。 i'll go first. you just follow.2.(紧接着) at once; right away 短语和例子刮了一阵风, 跟着就下起了大雨。 there was a gust of wind and then it began to pour
跟着走:  come alongcome inlead 2
跟着来:  come alongcome on phr
跟着歹徒:  follow me gangster
跟着我:  follow me
跟着转:  follow around
紧紧跟着:  follow hard after
跟着地:  heelstrike
跟着一起:  come along
跟着谁:  be on someone’s tail
Example Sentences:
1.I can ' t dance to music without a good rhythm
2.She sang to the music with her hand waving gently
3.The students are doing eye exercises to music
4.Close your eyes and go with the music
5.Let ' s move along with the music
6.Yeah . feel that music
Similar Words:
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