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English translation for "贻害"

[ yíhài ] 
leave a legacy of trouble 短语和例子

Related Translations:
贻害后世:  entail woe on the after ages
Example Sentences:
1.How are these conditions related , if at all , to the legacy of slavery
2.The moderates , on the other hand , have left an ambiguous and , inthe end , harmful legacy
3.The experience of east europe and russia proved that if huge capital is held by few tycoons , once there is a crisis or other risks , the capital will escape out of the country right away , that would cause financial crisis and jeopardize the whole society
4.In his 1935 essay , “ in praise of idleness , ” british philosopher bertrand russell wrote , “ i think there is far too much work done in the world and immense harm is caused by the belief that work is virtuous . ” russell advocated shortening the work day to four hours
1935年英国哲人伯特兰?罗素曾在其随笔《善待休闲》中侃侃而谈: “依我之见,世人饱受劳作之艰辛,乃崇尚劳动美德所贻害。 ”
5.The precepts of the eastern europe nation and russia prove the huge funds controls in the minority the few head the hand , on meeting crisis or other slight commotions , the capital will escape immediately and outside , causing financial crisis , cause trouble to the whole society
6.Being proved by the lessons of the east europe coutries and russia , the big capitals are holded by the less business leaders , and it would be sent outside as if there is a economic crisis or other change occured . it would lead to the deep economic crisis and be harmful to the society
7.The lessons drawn from the cases in the european countries as well as russia show that once the greater amount of funds fall into the hands of few tycoons , they will transfer these funds abroad immediately they encounter hazards or any slight turbulence , causing financial crisis and leaving a legacy of trouble to the society
8.The selection and determination of the mode of operation or profit making are the perpetual subjects of an enterprise . when the value chain concept was raised and introduced into the business circle and the management area , it has gained wider and wider application , but more in - depth research is still lacking . even the initiator of this concept michael porter has no further systematic continuation
由迈克尔?波特在1985年提出价值链概念至今虽已历经20年有余,但在我国却并未得到很好的理解和应用,误读误释和误用甚至滥用的情况屡见不鲜,其中尤以一股脑儿的把erp 、 tqm 、 bpr 、 crm 、 5s 、 6 、 jit 、 scm 、 amt以及其他的“快速修理工具”当成价值链构件的做法贻害最甚,殊不知在企业/战略事业的价值链底层作业及其作业间的连接缺乏内在有效性的条件下,采用这些所谓的先进方法的后果只能是更加重复无效、浪费甚至错误。
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