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English translation for "贵重药品"

costly medicines

Related Translations:
贵重:  valuable; precious 短语和例子贵重物品 valuables; valuable articles; 贵重药品 costly medicines; 像金子一样贵重 as precious as gold
贵重的:  goldennobilitypreciousrichsignificantunpricedvaluablevalued
贵重矿物:  valuable minerals
贵重郎:  kijuro
贵重元素:  noble element
极为贵重:  worth a jew's eye
贵重药物:  precious drugs
贵重货:  precious cargovaluable cargo
贵重货舱:  treasure room
贵重宝石:  precious gem
Example Sentences:
1.The authors discuss from 12 different angles the effect of the clinical use of drugs on drug funds and point out that all of the following factors affect drug funds to varying degrees : distribution of the sum of money for the drugs the pharmacies receive , the ratio between sel f - paid drugs and costly drugs , inpatients ? length of stay , the nature of drug expenses with regard to the patients , the occurrence of hospital infection and c omplications , the need of inpatients in convalescent wards for drugs , the struct ure of drugs used in key drug - using departments , centralized drug consumption , preventive use of drugs by patients after operations , doctors ? habit in their p rescription of drugs , and the proportion of antimicrobial agents in the amount o f drugs used
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