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English translation for "贵族称号"

british title of nobility
title of nobility

Related Translations:
法国皇太子的称号:  dr:fin drfin
贵族作风:  aristocratism
小贵族:  lordling
贵族社会:  aristocracypatriciate
贵族的:  aristocracyaristocraticblue-bloodedcoronettedlordlynobiliarynobilitynoblepatrician
贵族等级:  royal and noble ranks
强盗贵族:  robber
贵族世家:  a noble family
贵族主义:  aristocratism
贵族代表:  representative peer
Example Sentences:
1.British title of nobility
2.I assume the lure of untold riches - ahem - 25 , 000 gold pieces - has brought you here ? not to mention the possibility of titles of nobility
我猜是那些不可名状的财富? ?咳? ? 25000枚金币? ?引领你来到这里的?没提到那些可能赠与的贵族称号吗?
3.I already have an estate , but it ' s coffers are a bit . . . bare . and the titlles of nobility never hurt anyone . i plan on retiring with that money
我已经拥有了一座宅邸,但是我的储蓄还是有一点要… …见底了。然而贵族称号那样的东西已经不能再打动我了,我计划在拿到那份钱以后就退休。
4.The story of walter raleigh who spread his cloak on the ground to keep queen elizabeth from the hardship of crossing a muddy puddle can qualify that nobleman for an award as a man of tact and good breeding
Similar Words:
"贵族2" English translation, "贵族(或王族)出身" English translation, "贵族(政治)主义,贵族作风" English translation, "贵族,巨头(在酒吧里都是贵族)" English translation, "贵族,名门。" English translation, "贵族成员" English translation, "贵族出身" English translation, "贵族出身地" English translation, "贵族出身之士兵" English translation, "贵族大学生" English translation