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English translation for "贵人多忘"

a man of distinction always has a poor memory.; a highly placed person is apt to be forgetful.; a man of your eminence has a short memory.; great men are apt to have short memories.; honourable men easily forget.; the higher the rank, the worse the memory

Related Translations:
贵人:  1.(尊贵的人) a high-ranking government official2.(古代皇宫中女官名) title of a female palace official
贵人迷:  the would-be gentleman
贵人香:  grey rislingitalian riesling
贵人派:  optimates
贵人的侍从:  gentleman
贵人的土地:  tribe of superior men
贵人多忘事:  great wits have short memoriesgreedy folks have long arms
桂花开放贵人来:  when the sweet-scented osmanthus is blooming the honored guests arrive
遇到人生中的贵人时:  while meeting the magnate in the life
贵人香 意斯林 薏丝琳:  italian riesling
Example Sentences:
1.Great wits have short memories
2.Oh , how quickly we forget
3.Great wits have short memories
4.The higher the rank , the worse the memory . we hold this every new school year
(你真是贵人多忘事,每个新学年我们都要举办这种晚会。 )
5.C : the higher the rank , the worse the memory . we hold this every new school year
(你真是贵人多忘事,每个新学年我们都要举办这种晚会。 )
Similar Words:
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