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English translation for "购物发票"

invoice for purchase
purchase invoice

Related Translations:
购物旅程:  journey to shopjourneytoshop
花钱购物:  inquuiry advenb tidintt
购物马拉松:  shopping marathon
购物街:  les passages couverts
电视购物:  infomercialtvs television shopping
圣诞节购物:  christmas shopping
购物回廊:  shopping circuit
购物篮:  market basket
分期付款购物:  buying on the installment plan
深夜购物:  late night shopping
Example Sentences:
1.Check purchase invoices , delivery orders and invoices
2.Third , pay attention to the preservation of the documents and invoices from shopping
3.Make sure you have all invoices stamped by customs at the public concourse before proceeding to the outlet
4.Receipt of purchase and an export permit voucher for locally bought goods such as gems and jewelry may be required upon departure
5.Starting on the date of the issuing of purchasing invoice , our company provides one - month guarantee for replacement and twelve - month warranty for maintenance on this particular product
6.Qualified customers can apply for the vip cards at the vip service center of guofang baisheng shopping centre after showing the receipts issued on the day of application
7.In the public method real property and chattels such as vehicle , vessel , aircraft etc , are registered , the retention of title comes into effect while there are recordings of chattels in the register bill , they can defend anyone
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