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English translation for "负荷容量"

load capacity
load carrying capacity

Related Translations:
负荷力:  beanspruchung belastungskraft effort
费用负荷:  expense burdenexpense loadingexpenses burden
计算负荷:  calculated load
摆动负荷:  swinging load
单负荷:  single phase load
负荷率:  burden ratesload factorload rateload-carry dutyloadfactorrate of load condensate
负荷极限:  load limitation
剪切负荷:  shear loading
负荷计算器:  loading calculator
热负荷:  heat demandheat dutyheat loadingheat requirementheating loadheatloadhot loadrefrigeration dutythermal loadthermalload
Example Sentences:
1.Load capacity overload point
2.Represents solutions to air conditioning system demand of rooms with different functions at the same time , and to the request for cooling capacity and continual operation in air conditioning system of the telecom industrial room , and takes into account the emergency ventilation after gas extinction
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