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English translation for "觉哉"


Related Translations:
内田康哉:  uchida kosai
:  觉名词(睡眠) sleep 短语和例子午觉 midday nap; 我想上楼去睡一觉。 i think i'll go upstairs and have a sleep. 祝你睡一夜好觉。 i wish you a good night's sleep.
觉哥:  kyawko
觉心:  kakushin
精细觉:  epicritic
五官觉:  special sensationsspecial sensespecial sensibility
昭觉:  zhaojue
净觉:  pure enlightenment
震觉:  seismaesthesia
真觉:  masatorimazamezhenxiao dashi
Example Sentences:
1.Section three introduces xie juezai ' s theory of law - abiding
2.Section two gives a introduction of xie juezai ' s judicial theory
3.In section one , the author introduces xie juezai ' s legislation theory
4.This thesis is to probe and discuss preliminarily on xie juezai ' s thoughts of legal system
5.The study of xie juezai ' s thought of legal system receives little attention . no special study article has keen written on it insofar
6.Xie juezai , one of the five old revolutionists in yanan , is the outstanding precursor in law circles and the founder of people ' s judicial system in our party . he had made great contribution to the construction of legal system for our country
延安五老之一的谢觉哉是我党“杰出的法学界先导,人民司法制度的奠基者” ,为我国法制建设做出了重要贡献。
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