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English translation for "装扮的"


Related Translations:
装扮:  1.(打扮) dress up; attire; deck out 短语和例子她装扮成男人。 she was attired as a man. 她装扮得整整齐齐, 却无处可去炫耀。she dressed herself up and find nowhere to show up.2.(化装) disguise; masquerade; camouflage 短语和例子装
装扮客厅:  deck the halls/the twelve days of christmas
装扮游戏:  make-believe play
装扮者:  transvestist
服饰装扮:  costume play
装扮成:  dress uas
装扮异性:  transsexual
异性装扮:  cross dressingcrossdressingg
鲜艳的装扮:  brilliant disguise
异性装扮癖:  habit of cross-dressing
Example Sentences:
1.The attitude of the confident and friendly husband was gone .
2.Your best customer is a guy ? - a transvestite
-你最好的客人是个怪胎? -爱好异性装扮的
3.Some chick in a cat suit murdered siavicky iast night
4.Uh , dent . arthur dent . - oh , no . i mean , who are you
5.- uh , dent . arthur dent . - oh , no . i mean , who are you
6." oh the brides bejewelled finery
7.Oh , it ' s not a costume . i ' m an elf
8.It was a large garden . a lot of flowers made the garden colorful
9.Chuckles ) - time to musk up
10.Chuckles - time to musk up
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