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English translation for "被吞没"


Related Translations:
吞没:  1.(据为己有) embezzle; misappropriate; take possession 短语和例子吞没巨款 misappropriate a huge sum2.(淹没) absorb; swallow up; engulf 短语和例子被海浪吞没 be engulfed in the waves
吞没公款:  embezzle public funds
吞没结构:  engulfment texture
吞没小船:  suck down a boat
吞没巨款:  misappropriate a huge sum absorbswallow upengulf
被海浪吞没:  be engulfed in the waves
几乎把我吞没:  almost overtaking me
火焰吞没了房子:  the fire swallowed up the house
将被日出吞没:  to fade into the rising sun
被吞没的广告位:  buriedposition
Example Sentences:
1.Like applause , from the leaves of the cottonwoods on the shelf - like plateau below you
2.But what of the fabled apocalypse which , according to the egyptians , swallowed keftiu - atlantis in one day and one night
3.Since the size of the earth is essentially constant , new lithosphere can be created at the mid - ocean ridges only if an equal amount of lithospheric material is consumed elsewhere
4.Crooked ko plans to kill lung and take over his shipyard to serve his own purpose . in order to save the innocent , tse - ho and tse - kit lesile cheung escort lung to new york and leave him under the care of ken chow yun fat
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