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English translation for "行李超重"

kelebihan berat bagasi

Related Translations:
超重整反应器:  hyperformer reactor
行李舱门:  baggage doorluggage door
行李签:  identification (luggage)luggage tag
行李查验:  checking your luggage
行李转盘:  baggage carousel
行李抑制:  baggage suppression
打开行李:  and unpack your suitcase
联运行李:  through baggage
检查行李:  baggage search
行李邮政车:  luggage and mail van
Example Sentences:
1.I am sorry , sir , you are five kilo overweight
2.If your luggage is overweight you ' ll have to pay extra
3.I ' m afraid you ' ll have to pay for the overweight
4.I am afraid your bag is overweight
5.The baggage is two kilos overweight
6.The baggage is overweight , 4 or $ 4 per kilo will be charged for the extras
行李超重部分按每公斤人民币(或港币) 4元计收。
7.All personal expenses such as phone bills , laundries , etc . optional tours and excursions
8.13 sir , your baggage is 10 kilos overweight , i am afraid you have to pay for excess baggage
9.Nancy : you ' ll hear it at an airport when you ' re checking in , it means your bag is too heavy , sotheyaregoing tomakeyou payafine
10.Fter the 1993 lectures in europe were completed , we flew directly to korea . due to being overweight , all of the tour s luggage , except for master s personal items and the video and audio equipment was shipped separately
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