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English translation for "苋科"

[ xiànkē ]

Related Translations:
:  名词1.(苋菜) amaranth2.(姓氏) a surname 短语和例子苋嘻 xian xi
埃塞俄比亚苋:  abyssinian amaranth
刺苋:  amaranthus spinosusprickly calaluspiny amaranth
血苋:  iresine herbetii
藜苋:  spreading amaranth
潘苋:  xian pan
苋嘻:  xian xi
绿苋:  aviridisslender amaranth
齿苋:  bitterroot
苋属:  amaranthus
Example Sentences:
1.The article summarizes amaranthaceae plants ' characters on botany , species and distribution , elaborates their present situation of exploitation and problems , and explores their potentional values of research
2.Amaranthaceae plants evoke people ' s extensive notice because of their high nutrition and medicinal value , and many scholars begin to study them on biology characters , nutrition , medicinal function , exploitation and use , and so on
3.The distribution and harm of species of dominant weeds of lawn vary with different area , and the most harmful weeds belong 8 families , which were poaceae , asteraceae , cyperaceae , amaranthaceae , euphorbiaceae , polygonaceae , fabaceae and caryophyllaceae , about accounted for from sixty percent to seventy percent in all weeds in lawn
摘要不同地区草坪优势杂草的种类不尽相同,禾本科、菊科、莎草科、苋科、大戟科、蓼科、豆科和石竹科等8个科的杂草种类和发生数量最多,约占杂草总数的60 % ~ 70 % 。
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