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English translation for "艺术硕士"

master of fine arts m.f.a

Related Translations:
艺术:  1.(文艺) art 短语和例子艺术至上主义 art for art's sake; 以艺术为职业 follow art as a profession2.(富有创造性的方法) skill; art; craft 短语和例子领导艺术 art of leadership3.(形状独特而美观的) conforming to good taste 短语和例子这座建筑装饰得很艺术。
中级艺术:  secondary art
童话艺术:  fairy art
制图艺术:  praphical arts
艺术填充:  poart fill
艺术大街:  kudozhestvenni street
剪影艺术:  coptography
艺术机构:  art institutions
资讯艺术:  information art
Example Sentences:
1.Master mindmaster of fine art
Master mind艺术硕士课程毕业展
2.She won a scholarship to the university of sunderland in the uk in 2003 and obtained a master degree in glass in 2004
3.Claudia keelan is the author of four books of poetry and the director of the mfa international at university of nevada , las vegas
4.Henry steiner was born in austria . he graduated from hunter college , new york and obtained his master of fine arts degree in graphic design from yale university
5.Almost 18 , some new , some established , some still searching , all enthused , all part of the mfa rmit program of the hong kong art school
6.In 2003 , he won an arts scholarship from the hong kong arts development council to pursue a master of arts in fine arts at the central saint martins college of art and design in london , uk
7.Master of fine art programme is co - presented by hong kong art school and royal melbourne institute of technology rmit university . the graduation show of the 2nd cohort graduates will be held in may
8.He received much of his training in vienna and completed his studies at the university of minnesota with a master degree in choral conducting and a doctor degree in vocal performance
9.She has undergraduate degrees in english and french from the university of north carolina in chapel hill and received her masters of arts in english literature from nc state university
她从chapel hill的university of north carolina获得英语和法语专业的大学学位,从nc state university获得英国文学的艺术硕士学位。
10.The first doctoral programme was launched in 1980 . by 2006 , 21 , 865 graduates have been conferred with higher degrees . in the academic year 2006 - 07 , the school offered through 62 graduate divisions a total of 247 13 overseas programmes leading to higher degrees - dmus , edd , phd , psyd , jd , llm , ma , macc , march , mba , mchimed , mclinpharm , mdiv , med , mfa , mfm , mhsc , mmus , mnurs , mom , mpacc , mph , mphil , msc , mssc , msw , or postgraduate diploma
二零零六年至零七年度研究院设有六十二个学部,提供音乐博士、教育博士、哲学博士、心理学博士、法律博士、法学硕士、文学硕士、会计学硕士、建筑硕士、工商管理硕士、中医学硕士、临床药剂学硕士、神道学硕士、教育硕士、艺术硕士、家庭医学硕士、健康科学硕士* 、音乐硕士、护理硕士、职业医学硕士、专业会计学硕士、预防医学硕士、哲学硕士、理学硕士、社会科学硕士及社会工作硕士等二百四十七项高级学位课程及学士后文凭课程(包括十三项境外课程) 。
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