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English translation for "航运惯例"

shipping customs and usages

Related Translations:
信用证统一惯例:  uniform customs and practice for documentary creditsuniform customs for credits
直接航运:  direct freight
航运净空:  shipping clearance
航运煤:  steamboat coal
航运保险:  shipping insurance
智利航运:  ccni
航运业务:  carrying tradeshipping business
航运公司:  compagnie de navigationline (shipping line)shi ing companyshipping companiesshipping companyshipping line
航运保政策:  protecting policy of shipping
印度航运公司:  bharat line ltd
Example Sentences:
1.Which shall prevail when they conflict with international shipping practices
当它们与国际航运惯例相? ?冲突时又应以谁为准呢?
2.And in which way international shipping practices serve an explanatory and supplementary part for conventions , laws and contract clauses
3.The second chapter mainly introduces the history of shipping practices with a purpose of deepening the understanding of shipping practices in this respect
4.The first part is mainly devoted to theoretical and conceptive introduction to international shipping practices , which includes the first three chapters
5.Maritime laws constitute a special part of legal field . and as one of the origins for maritime laws , the influence of international maritime practices in this field cannot be neglected
6.In order to make a systematic research to international shipping practices , we shall first understand what is international shipping practice and the first chapter deals with this matter
7.Clearly , rules for shipping industry consist not only of maritime laws of different nations and a number of international maritime conventions , but of statutory and non - statutory international shipping practices
8.In practical shipping business , we are often confronted with questions like : what are the relations between international maritime conventions , laws , contract clauses and international shipping practices
9.Article 53 in case the carrier intends to ship the goods on deck , he shall come into an agreement with the shipper or comply with the custom of the trade or the relevant laws or administrative rules and regulations
10.However , china lacks systematic research in shipping practices , the knowledge and application of the same are also limited and there are frequent disputes over the existence of a certain shipping practice
Similar Words:
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