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English translation for "自尽"

commit suicide; take one's own life 短语和例子

Related Translations:
吞金自尽:  kill oneself by swallowing gold; swallow gold to commit suicide
投河自尽:  drown oneself in a river
投井自尽:  drown oneself in a well; throw oneself into a well
投江自尽:  commit suicide by drowning oneself in the river; jump into the river and drown oneself
含羞自尽:  commit suicide through shame
投缳自尽:  hang oneself
她投井自尽:  she drowned herself in a well. sth. in the shape of a well
泯然自尽:  and such erroneous views will disappear by themselves
刎颈自尽:  jugulate
投水自尽:  make a hole in the water
Example Sentences:
1.She drowned herself in a well .
2.Waiting to see who blows their brains out first
3.History records she killed herself with a deadly snake
4.Quickly jump into the ocean and kill yourself ! ”
5.I don ' t know why he went and made a hole in the water
6.If kaichiro has to kill himself , so do i
7.. . . padded the tongue so she couldn ' t bite
8.If you swear that one of you will end it ,
9.Anyone breaking these rules would have to die at the sea
10.But if i thought more about blowing my brains out . .
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