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English translation for "自寻短见"

commit suicide; seek one's own destruction
Example Sentences:
1.L ' m hanging by a thread . l ' m reading don ' t - kill - myself books
2.L ' m hanging by a thread . l ' m reading don ' t - kill - myself books
3.And the fact that l wanna go home and kill myself is really not your fault
4.But the worst of all , mr power said , is the man who takes his own life
“然而最要不得的是, ”鲍尔先生说, “自寻短见的人。 ”
5.She recalled that on one occasion , she and her team members took almost 10 hours to dissuade a man from taking his own life near a hillside
6.Although telling him the truth may risk destroying his hope , so that he may deteriorate faster , perhaps even commit suicide , a dying person has the right to know his condition and to make informed choice concerning his own health
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