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English translation for "自夸的话"


Related Translations:
自夸:  sing one's own praises; crack oneself up; boast
自夸夸耀:  boast vi
自夸地:  boastfullyvainly
自吹自夸:  praise one's own wares; all his geese are swans.; blow one's own trumpet [horn]; brag about; brag and boast; buck; crack oneself up; cry roast meat; each bird loves to hear himself sing.;
自夸的:  boastfulbraggartthrasonicalvapouring
瞎自夸的:  bumptious
自夸自赏:  indulge in self-glorification; establish [have] one's own system
自夸的人:  boasterbrag
Example Sentences:
1.I will tell you , he said solemnly , what is his proudest boast
“我告诉你, ”他一本正经地说, “他最爱自夸的话是什么吧。
2.Amidst the mists and coldest frosts , with stoutest wrists and loudest boasts , he thrusts his fist against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts
Similar Words:
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