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English translation for "自发放电"

spontaneous discharge

Related Translations:
自发标志:  self-luminescent sign
自发涂料:  self-luminescent paint
自发游离:  ionization, spontaneous
自发消费:  autonomous consumption
自发衰变:  spontaneous decayspontaneous disintegration
自发注意:  spontaneous attention
自发斗争:  apontaneous struggle
自发陈述:  volunteer statement
自发的:  astonomousautegenicautogeneousautogenicautogenousautonomicautonomousidiopatheticidiopathicspontaneousu romptedunpromptedvoluntary
自发传输:  spontaneous transmission
Example Sentences:
1.Spontaneous unit discharge of amygdaloid nucleus in heroindependent rats
2.Effects of acupuncture on the spontaneous firing of neurons of hypothalamic arc in rats with type - diabetes
3.2 . we studied the isi by the method of return map and any obvious geometrical structure was not found . 1
4.2 . hi some of the neurons with spontaneous activities , veratridine can transform isi series to oscillation type
5.We extract period 1 upo from isi data of son . then we studied it ' s local dynamics and a saddle - nod was found . 4
6.It is evidenced that ectopic spontaneous activities in injured drg are the signal source of spontaneous pain and hyperalgesia
7.2 . the irregular isi data of spontaneous firing from son is not noise , there is a deterministic mechanism in it . 3
8.The present work investigatcd the amygdaloid influence on the light evoked local field potential and the response properties of single cell in visual area l of rabbits , and the projection from amygdaloid complex to visual area l also analyzed by retrograde tracing technology
实验结果如下: ( 1 )兔视1区神经元中约98 ( n = 157 )的细胞存在自发放电,其活动强弱也各不相同。
9.Results : 1 . data obtained from electrophysiological experiments : ( 1 ) in 73 rats , spontaneous discharge was recorded from 131 neurons . the patterns of electric activity of neurons showed in phasic , continuous and single firing 3 types
结果: 1 .电生理实验结果: ‘ ( l )在73只大鼠,记录到pvn自发放电神经元131个,放电模式为:位相型、连续型和单个型,放电频率有高频、中频和低频。
10.( 7 ) in addition , the spontaneous discharge rate of 32 % ( n = 35 ) neurons was innuenced by the basal amygdaloid stimulation , 23 % and 9o / of them was inhibited and facilitated respectively ( 8 ) foiiowing electricai stimulation of the basal amygdal " the movement sensitivity of 25 % neurons ( n = 20 ) in visual area l was altered
)杏仁基底核的兴奋性活动可使32 h习5 )的视1区神经元自发放电水平发生改变,其中23神经元发放水平在刺激后一段时间内受到抑制, 9的神经元电活动显著增强。作)电刺激杏仁基底核对兔视1区25加《 0 )的神经元运动敏感性产生影响。
Similar Words:
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