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English translation for "自以为是"

[ zìyǐwéishì ] 
be opinionated; be self-righteous; believe sth. to be correct opinionately; bumptious; claim infallibility presumptuously; consider oneself always in the right; have a firm belief in one's own opinions; opinionatedly believe sth. to be correct; regard oneself as infallible; stuffy; think oneself right

Related Translations:
别自以为是:  get over yourself
自以为是地:  presumingly
切不可自以为是:  one should never be presumptuous and opinionated
自以为是的:  conceitedself-centereousself-righteoussmug
自以为是 放肆的:  presumptuous
别那么自以为是:  don't flatter yourself so much
他自以为是重要人:  he thinks himself somebody, but we think him nobody
像一个自以为是的傻瓜:  like a fool who's too sure
记得那种自以为是的谈话:  remember condescending talk of who i ought to be
共产党员决不可自以为是盛气凌人:  a communist must never be opinionated or domineering
Example Sentences:
1.One should never be presumptuous and opinionated .
2.She rather fancies herself as a singer .
3.He fancies himself to be an authority .
4.May we pursue the right without self-righteousness .
5.He fancies himself an authority .
6.I wish something would happen to puncture her ego .
7.You are very full of yourself today , i must say .
8.Joe considers himself a quite competent corn surgeon .
9.Kennicott usually considered himself the master of the house .
Similar Words:
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