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English translation for "统计直方图"


Related Translations:
直方图:  bar chartbar graphblock diagramcolumn diagramhistogram plothistorgramrectangular histogram
直方图调整:  histogram adjust
间距直方图:  interval-histogram
面积直方图:  area histogram
矩形直方图:  rectangular histogram
直方图缩放:  histogram zoom
故障直方图:  failure histogram
速度直方图:  velocity histogram
常态直方图:  normal histogram
局部直方图:  local histogram
Example Sentences:
1.The paper is an attempt to put forward fitting julyk distribution curve by statistic histogram curves fitting based on area constraint and to estimate whether sample data meet normal distribution or not
2.The simulation result has indicated that using the method of two - value filter can solve the question perfectly , and the question is the edge discontinuity of traditional image classify base on region ; the image fusion which make use of edge gradually change is sententious and efficient ; the color image reinforcing which realized by grey statistics histogram equalization method has reduced the need of environment brightness in virtual photographing system
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