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English translation for "绕接"

solderless wrapped connection; wire-wrap connection; [电工] wrapped connection

Related Translations:
绕流:  streaming; flow around a body; [流] flow over a body◇绕流管 [建筑] by-pass; 绕流区 periptery
退绕:  backing offbacking-offplay outuncoilunreelunwinding
圈绕:  encirclesnake
绕往:  catch a turn
线绕电位器:  wire wound potentiometerwirewound potentiometer
自绕电钟:  self-winding electric clock
内绕圈:  interior circuit
脐带绕颈:  circulor of umbilical cordcord around neckcord around the neck
绕过效果:  bypass effect
并绕电动机:  shunt motorshunt-wound motor
Example Sentences:
1.And their wrapper object types , such as
2.Solderless wrapped electrical connections
3.The technology of wire - wrapping
4.Wire - wrap tool
5.Elements of electrical and optical connection - test methods - gastightness of solderless wrapped connections
6.Solderless connections - part 1 : wrapped connections - general requirements , test methods and practical guidance
7.Solderless connections . part 1 : wrapped connections . general requirements , test methods and practical guidance . european standard en 60 352 - 1
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