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English translation for "紫外光源"

ultraviolet source

Related Translations:
紫外光:  ray, ultravioletultraviolet lightultraviolet photometerultravioletlightuv ultravioletuv-light
纵深紫外光:  duv(deultra violet
紫外光吸收剂:  ultraviolet absorbersultraviolet-radiation absorbers
深紫外光:  duv
紫外光录音:  ultraviolet sound recording
紫外光传感器:  ultraviolet photo-electron spectrometerultraviolet sensor
紫外光镜头:  ultra violet lens
紫外光吸收:  ultraviolet absorption
紫外光加速计:  ultraviolet accelerometer
近紫外光刻:  near ultraviolet lithography
Example Sentences:
1.The effects of uv - b on vigna radiata , glycine max and vigna angularis
2.The uv light source can be triggered automatically by the rheometer software during the measurement
3.The differences of the monochromaticity and the direction of ultraviolet laser and non - laser ultraviolet source are analyzed firstly . the advantage of ultraviolet laser in exposing su - 8 photoresist is discussed
首先分析了激光紫外光源与普通紫外光源在单色性与方向性上的差异,论证了采用激光紫外光源曝光su - 8光刻胶的优势。
4.Our production mainly applies to laser industrial processing , laser biological and medical treatment , laser application technology , laser machine , protection for work , eye safety , electric welding mask controlled by optics , the watch windows of tank and industrial stove , optical equipments , web camera , photography system of mobile phone , projective system , ccd , cmos , lcd , dlp , lcos , dvd , telescope , gun aiming , stage , medical treatment , uv solidifying , screening , and other lamps and lanterns
公司产品主要应用于:镭射工业加工、镭射生物医疗、镭射应用技术、镭射器元器件、作业防护、眼睛防护、光控电焊面罩、坦克、工业炉等视窗、光学仪器、摄像头和手机摄像系统、投影系统、 ccd 、 cmos 、 lcd 、 dlp 、 lcos 、 dvd 、望远镜、枪瞄、舞台、医疗、紫外固化、紫外光源和放映等灯具中。
5.Starting from the theory of two photoionization , we simplified the model of the ultraviolet light source , derived the equation for the spatial distributions of the initial electron density between the main electrodes , and then gave a simple method to homegenize the spatial distribution of the initial electron density between the main electrodes
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