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English translation for "索赔额"

sum of claim

Related Translations:
索赔:  claim indemnity; demand compensation; claimant; claim settlement; claim; claimer; presentation of a claim 短语和例子要求延长索赔的期限 request to extend time-limit of claim; 索赔单证 claims documents; 索赔期限
索赔管理:  claims administration
索赔法院:  claims courtcourt of claims
新索赔:  new claim
索赔书:  claim letterclaim note
索赔财产:  claim to property
放弃索赔:  abandon a claimabandonment of claimdro ing a claimdropping a claimto waive a claimwaive a claim
损坏索赔:  claim damagedamage claim
撤回索赔:  withdraw claim
索赔期限:  claim periodtime limit for filing claimstime limit for filling claimstime limit for payment of claim
Example Sentences:
1.Some useful bounds of total claim distribution in individual risk model with geometric distribution claim number
2.The fund shall be distributed among the claimants in proportion to the amounts of their established claims
3.These classical work mainly dealt with the claim size which are a sequence of independent and identically distributed random variables
4.In this paper , we consider a sparre andersen risk model with geometric distribution of claim inter - occurrence times . the claim size distribution can be a general discrete distribution
5.Swiss re , the world s second largest re - insurer , has estimated that the economic costs of global warming could double to us 150 billion each year in the next 10 years , hitting insurers with us 30 - 40 billion in claims annually
据世界第二大再保险公司“瑞士再保险”估计,全球变暖的经济代价在未来十年里每年都要翻一番,将达到1500亿美元,每年向保险公司的索赔额将达到了300 ~ 400亿美元。
6.Cramer - lundberg model is changed into the form : in chapter 2 , we will discuss two - sided bounds for the ruin probability ( u , c , t ) of the risk model in finite time [ 0 , t ] , where ( u , c , t ) is defined by we get an estimate : , when n > n where 0 < < 1
我们在该章中是在索赔额的分布是gerv族( generalizedextendedregularlyvarying )并带有安全负荷的条件下得到了一个关于中心化随机和s 、 ( , )的大偏差的估计:对于任意固定的y > 0与6 > 0 , / , , 。
7.In chapter 1 , we briefly reviewed the risk theory and its development . and the significance about this paper was expressed . in chapter 2 , we introduced classical risk model . in which , making this risk process into a strong markovian process is the preparation of deriving the main results . chapter 3 is the main body of the paper , we derived the results about general ruin probability in a kind of continuous time risk model with deficit - time geometry distribution of claim inter - occurrence time . the martingale approach is a good procedure to get the expression of ruin probability about a class of continuous time risk models with deficit - time geometry distribution of claim inter - occurrence time . we also take advantage of change of measure idea from it
8.In the study of risk theory , a class of continuous time risk process with deficit - time geometry distribution of claim inter - occurrence time was made into a strong piecewise - deterministic markov process with the theory of piecewise - deterministic markov process and by introducing a supplementary variable . martingale approach is one of the most powerful methods of pdmp . the programming process is getting the ruin probability from the martingale construction . we use the idea of change of measure in the programming process and find the result and the function of adjustment coefficient
9.This risk process is made into a homogeneous piecewise deterministic markov process by introducing supplementary components from forward markovization technique . then a martingale is found by the martingale approach of piecewise deterministic markov process ( pdmp ) . the general expression and the lundberg bound of the ruin probability are derived subsequently . the idea of change of the probability measure and the adjustment coefficient are used to find the lundberg bound
首先利用向前马尔可夫技巧使此风险过程成为齐次马尔可夫过程,然后利用逐段决定马尔可夫过程( pdmp )中的鞅方法,得到本文风险模型中鞅的形式,继而求得索赔额分布为一般离散分布的破产概率的一般表达式,并得到破产概率的lundberg界,这里用到了测度变换的思想,从中可以看出调节系数的重要作用。
10.This paper consists of three chapters . the first one is the preparatory knowledge underlying this paper , including the basic concepts of the piece - wise deterministic markov processes ( pdmp ) , the renewal equation , the key renewal theorem and some results about the classical risk model , which come from [ 2 ] , [ 8 ] and [ 9 ] . the second one introduces the results about the general ruin probability in a kind of continuous - time risk model with the deficit - time geometric distribution of inter - occurrence times , in which claim sizes are discretly distributed . these come from [ 6 ] . the main body of this paper is the third one where we derive lundberg bounds , cramer - lundberg approximations to the ruin probability and finite - horizon lundberg inequalities
本文共三章,第一章是奠定本论文基础的相关知识,包括逐段决定马尔可夫过程的一些基本概念、更新方程与关键更新定理的内容以及经典风险模型的介绍,主要取自[ 2 ] 、 [ 8 ]和[ 9 ] 。第二章介绍了该风险模型在索赔额分布为一般分布下的破产概率的一般表达式及相关定理,内容来自[ 6 ] 。第三章是本文的主体,求得了该模型的破产概率的lundberg界, cram r - lundberg逼近以及有限时间破产概率的lundberg不等式。
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