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English translation for "精神病患"


Related Translations:
患疝气:  herniate
反射精神病:  reflex psychosisreflexpsychosis
风湿性精神病:  rheumatic psychiatric disease
流行性精神病:  epidemic insanity
精神病素质:  insane diathesispsychopathic diathesis
青少年精神病:  juvenile psychosis
乖戾精神病:  parergastic
精神病收容所:  anoedochium
后天性精神病:  acquired insanity
错乱性精神病:  confusional psychosis
Example Sentences:
1.He was saddened by the death of his elder son and the mental illness of his wife .
2.People with mental illness
3.They help the blind get around or prevent the mentally ill from hurting themselves
4.This study documents the nursing of an organically mentally disordered patient with chronic vertigo
5.Baseline information was obtained through questionnaires and face - to - face interviews noting patient demographics and their concerns in particular
6.A basic social skills training program for psychiatric patients was empirically developed and experimentally evaluated
7.The law also deals only with four groups of people _ ageing , insane , disabled or people with diseases that obstructed them from working
8.Three groups of people - schizophenic ( 26 patients ) , affective disorder ( 23 patients ) , and normal ( 27 persons ) were administered two attention tests - tai ta attention test and kraepelin test
摘要取样精神分裂病患( 26人)情感性精神病患( 23人)与正常人( 27人)等三组人,做台大注意力与克拉普林等两种测验。
9.The minnesota spatial relations test ( msrt ) may be used in employee selection and placement for jobs that require proficiency in the visualization and manipulation of three - dimensional objects
摘要在职业复健和谘询之前,明尼苏达空间关系测验可用于评估慢性精神病患的空间关系能力,以?职业谘询或雇员甄选的参? 。
10.More importantly , without the understanding of depression , they would not be able to recognize warning sings of depression , the need to seek help , and utilize the help from the people around
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