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English translation for "管道井"

conduit shaft

Related Translations:
管道压缩机:  pipe line compressorpipeline compressor
管道装置:  plumbing installation
租借管道:  lease pipeline
室外管道:  yard piping
管道路线:  conduit runduct route
管道巡视员:  pipeline walker
交叉管道:  cross manifold
管道燃烧室:  duct burnerduct-burner
管道流动:  ducted flow
隔音管道:  attenuation duct
Example Sentences:
1.It is also starting a research program to improve the present poor rate of success for hand - dug and tubewell projects
2.Comprehensive arrangement the location of kitchen & toilet in the house , rational division of the space of the kitchen & toilet ( eg . it is necessary to separate the dry from humid space in toilet , the clean from contaminated space in kitchen ) , it is emphasized that decent space for kitchen & toilet and some flexible space is advocated in the design , the appurtenances arrangement should be coped with the human engineer , it is better to design pipe well and equipment layer to accommodate the various meters , wires and pipes . in order to save energy and water , it is recommend to use solar energy and the different quality water
本着“以人为本”的设计思想,提出适宜经济适用住宅的整体厨卫设计思路和方法,即:综合协调厨卫在住宅中的位置;对厨卫空间进行合理分隔(卫生间干湿分离,厨房洁污分离) ;厨卫各空间必须具有适宜的空间尺度和面积保障,并提倡具备一定的面积弹性设计;依据人体工效学原理进行厨卫部分设备的综合布局;利用管道井、设备层综合布局各种管线仪表;采用分质供水设计系统和太阳能供能系统,达到节水节能;注重厨卫的排烟通风设计,提高室内环境质量;考虑厨卫的适应能力,注重通用设计。
3.Share the content of the area to include : path of elevator well , conduit well , stair well , rubbish , change between electric room , equipment , communal hallway , corridor , basement , be on duty gatehouse , and what serve for whole is communal the floor area that uses a room with room and management , with the level umbriferous area is calculated
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