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English translation for "符号表征"

symbolic representation

Related Translations:
表征:  surface features; superficial characteristics; characterization◇表征码 mask; 表征因数 characterization factor
天文符号:  astronomical symbols
三星符号:  asterism
符号形状:  symbol shape
符号世界:  symbolic world
到达符号:  arriving sign
空白符号:  blank characterclear characternull
算术符号:  arithmetic sign
地址符号:  address charactersaddress mark
符号卡片:  mark card
Example Sentences:
1.An analysis of the difference of botanical symbols between chinese and english culture
2.Perceptual symbol representation and propositional symbol representation in language comprehension
3." rivers and lakes " is very popular in hong kong ' s tv series , through which hong kong ' s tv series establish the base of cultural identity of hong kong people in that tv signs of living conditions reflect deeply the social reality
4.When high school students are solving chemical problems , they usually choose a familiar way to represent the problem , or sometimes may use several representation methods ( symbol representation , mathematical representation , chart - word representation , words representation and so on ) to represent the same problem . problem representation has difference in levels and sorts . the appearance of the problem and the problem solver ' s knowledge structure largely affect the problem representation
在解决化学问题时,中学生通常以一种自己熟悉的表征方式表征问题(也常使用符号表征、数学表征、图文表征、言语表征等多种表征方式表征同一个问题) ;学生在问题表征中存在着问题表征的层次和种类差异;问题的呈现方式和问题解决者的知识结构较大程度地影响着问题表征。
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