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English translation for "立体镜"

[ lìtǐjìng ]
lens stereoscope

Related Translations:
立体地图:  plastic relief maprelief map
阈立体:  threshold corpus
立体基准:  stereobase
立体投影:  perspective projectionstereo projectionstereographic projectionstereographicprojectionstereoprojection
立体拦阻:  steric hindrance
立体照相机:  binocular stereo camerastereoscope camerastereoscopic camerathree-dimensional camera
立体清晰度:  stereoacuity
立体变异:  stereomutation
立体构型:  spatial configuration
立体镜的:  stereoscopic
Example Sentences:
1.The interpreter annotates the photographs under the stereoscope .
2.Lens stereoscopes are practical for field use or for observing magnified details .
3.Some of the advantages of lens stereoscopes are compactness, simplicity and ready portability .
4.Aerial photographs are taken in strips with sufficient overlap to yield a three-dimensional image when viewed under stereoscope .
5.The true 3d display technology based on autostereoscopic display is researched
6.At last , this paper discusses the true 3d display of 3d digital terrain based on autostereoscopic display
7.A photogrammetric system based on a desktop personal computer and a mount - on mirror stereoscope is utilized and evaluated for its functionality and mapping environment in this study
8.Many of their characteristic features are well suited for this habitat : hands specialized for grasping , with five digits and , in most primates , opposable thumbs , rotating shoulder joints and stereoscopic three dimensional vision
9.The application programming of the terrain engine is developmented based on the platform of autostereoscopic display and software platform of microsoft visual studio . net 2003 and directx . this terrain engine should be displayed on autostereoscopic display
本课题以自动立体镜显示器搭建开发平台,基于microsoftvisualstudio . net2003和directx图形库开发了三维地形引擎,并在自动立体镜显示器上真三维显示。
10.I build my research work on the pass and improved the hardware and software of experimental system , and explored some new analyzing methods to pick out the cep signal wrapped in the eeg more efficiently . on hardware , i designed a instrument to let our testee to observe the rds , shown on cathode - ray tube ( crt ) or printed on paper , through a stereoscope , and never let the stereoscope effect the observation . the instrument includes 3 modules : rds showing , stereoscope fixing and testee fitting
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