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English translation for "空字段"

null field

Related Translations:
牛栏字段:  cattle space
字段检验:  field checking
字段优先权:  field priority
寄存器字段:  register field
数据字段:  datafield
字段目录:  fields catalogue
字段标识符:  field identifier
公用字段:  common field
标记字段:  flag fieldtag field
标题字段:  heading field
Example Sentences:
1.The method is called on an empty field handle
2.Generates empty fields when only one product is ordered
3.There are three ways of representing null fields in xml schema : optional attributes ,
有三种在xml schema中表示空字段的方法:可选的属性、
4.The record header is followed by the data contents of the columns . columns that are null are omitted
5.To save storage space by eliminating gaps , empty fields redundancy , or unnecessary data to shorten the length of records or files
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