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English translation for "种姓制度"

indian caste system

Related Translations:
黄姓:  huang
邢姓:  xing
韩姓:  han
司马姓:  sima (surname)
滕姓:  teng
熊姓:  xiong
董姓:  dong
龙姓:  long
公姓:  gongsun
姓合:  the battles of coxinga
Example Sentences:
1.The caste system is still strong in india
2.The history of the caste system in nepal
3.In the indian caste system ,
4.The caste system is still strong in some eastern countries such as india
5.The caste system was so sacred that it was written into the law and the brahman ' s dogma
6.Social stratification , where social class is strictly defined and enforced , and social mobility is non - existent ( see caste system )
社会阶层化,当社会阶级被严格的定义以及执行而且社会流动根本不存在(参照种姓制度) 。
7.The resistance to dissolving caste comes from a deep - rooted fear among the elite that economic power will be taken from them and given to the poor
8.The characteristics and functions of indian caste system , which has been survived for thousands of years , are ever changing with the development of the society
9.Prime minister manmohan singh recently compared india ' s caste system to apartheid in south africa , calling it not just prejudice but " a blot on humanity .
10.While some indians had been hopeful that urbanization and growth would crumble ideas about caste , observers say tradition and prejudice have ultimately prevailed
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