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English translation for "种圃"


Related Translations:
搜集圃:  collective nursery
育种圃:  breeding nursery
杂种圃:  hybridnursery
中草药圃:  herbs gardentraditional chinese medicinal herbary
兰圃:  orchid nursery
阎圃:  yp
腊圃:  lapu
蕈圃:  mushroom bed
青圃:  qingpuseiho
茗圃:  tea field
Example Sentences:
1.Dong a , the male sterile line of cotton discovered in 1972 from a pollenless mutant of cotton variety dongting no . l , is an ideal materials used to study the pollen - specific genes during anther development . the fertile individuals and its pollenless mutant have a highly homogeneous genetic background except for the male sterility
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