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English translation for "秋风萧瑟"

the autumn wind is soughing

Related Translations:
萧瑟:  1.(风吹树木的声音) rustle in the air 短语和例子秋风萧瑟。 the autumn wind is soughing.2.(景色凄凉) bleak; desolate 短语和例子一片萧瑟的景象 a bleak scene
西风萧瑟:  the moan of the west wind
萧瑟秋:  xixie
萧瑟风:  netblood
萧瑟的:  bleak
一片萧瑟的景象:  a bleak scene
秋风:  akikazeautumn windshuufuthe wind in autumn
秋风落叶:  flowers
秋风清:  a-boy
秋风岭:  chupung ryongchupung-ryong
Example Sentences:
1.The autumn wind is soughing .
2.The days were dry and lowering, and the wind blew in sharp, cold gusts .
3.There were the echoes of nostalgia i heard in the crying strings of wild geese winging south against a bleak, autumn sky .
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