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English translation for "私人保险公司"

private insurer

Related Translations:
私人用品:  personal effects
私人的:  peculiarpersonalpoivatepopprivately maintainedprivy
私人交谈:  private conversation
私人法律顾问:  chamber counsel
私人宅院:  priv= private
私人住房:  private accommodationprivate houses
私人贷款:  personal loanprivate loan
私人数据:  private data
私人捐款:  private donations
私人财产:  personal assetspersonal propertypersonal wealthprivate property
Example Sentences:
1.Opic oversea private insurance corporation
2.Fresh products are also the result of new , private suppliers
3.Under the bill , older americans would buy drug coverage policies from private insurers
4.It provides the insurance not only to the general business risks , but also to the political risks which the private insurance companies do n ' t like to cover
5.Three in particular : innovation in offerings , a greater role for private insurers , and a narrower focus for some of the public insurers that used to bestride the field
6.Private providers now account for about half of a market that used to be dominated by big public underwriters , such as national export - development agencies and the world bank ' s multilateral investment guarantee agency ( miga )
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