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English translation for "社会委员会"

social committee
Example Sentences:
1.Economic and social commission for asia and the pacific escap united nations
2.Hong kong , china attends the 56th session of economic and social
3.Senior expert , united nations economic and social commission for asia and the pacific
4.Consultative status with economic and social council ( ecosoc ) , united nations
联合国经济及社会委员会( ecosoc )联合国经济及社会委员会( ecosoc )
5.Hong kong , china attends economic and social commission for asia and the pacific meeting in bangkok
6.Hong kong , china attends economic and social commission for asia and the pacific meeting in bangkok
7.Hong kong , china attends the 56th session of economic and social commission for asia and the pacific in bangkok
8.This status is based on article 71 of the charter of the united nations and on
协商身份系根据联合国宪章第71条和经济及社会委员会于1996年决议案1996 / 31而被采纳(
9.A special consultative status with ecosoc is more than just another international affiliation for our council
与联合国经济及社会委员会( ecosoc )特别协商身份,并非一般的国际联系。
10.The division serves both the commission on status of women under the ecosoc and the committee on the elimination of discrimination against women
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