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English translation for "破产宣告"

adjudged bankrupt
declaration of bankruptcy

Related Translations:
失踪和死亡宣告:  declaration of disappearance and deathdeclarationofdisa earanceanddeath
法律破产:  legal insolvency
破产条款:  insolvency clause
判决破产:  sentence of bankrupcysentence of bankruptcy
破产适用性:  applicability of bankruptcy
兼并破产:  merger and bankruptcy
破产解除:  discharge
破产银行:  bankruptcy bankfailed bank
破产债权:  claim in bankruptcycredit of bankruptcy
破产法例:  bankruptcy act
Example Sentences:
1.The public notice shall include the following items
2.Section 1 declaration of bankruptcy
3.1 the main body and date of the decision on bankruptcy declaration
4.Article 133 a contract of mandate terminates due to bankruptcy declaration
5.1 the bankruptcy creditor owes debts to the bankrupt person after the bankruptcy declaration
6.2 debtors of the bankrupt person acquire others bankruptcy obligatory rights after bankruptcy declaration
7.Part two of the paper surveys the effect on executory contract of adjudication of bankruptcy with the method of comparison
8.The declaration of bankruptcy result in a series of legal consequences among which the main consequence is the qualification of debtor in public law and private law
9.In this part , the issues related to handling of contracts other than long - term and continual ones will be amplified systematically and comprehensivelly
10.Section 47 ( 2 ) mirrors ss 54 57 of the insolvency act , where transactions that took place within set periods of adjudication of bankruptcy can be challenged
47 ( 2 )则与《破产法》第54 - 57条相对应,即在破产宣告一定期限内产生的交割是可以被挑战的。
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