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English translation for "破产与重整"

bankruptcy and reorganization

Related Translations:
重整办事优先顺序:  reshape priorities
法律破产:  legal insolvency
破产条款:  insolvency clause
判决破产:  sentence of bankrupcysentence of bankruptcy
破产适用性:  applicability of bankruptcy
兼并破产:  merger and bankruptcy
破产解除:  discharge
破产银行:  bankruptcy bankfailed bank
破产债权:  claim in bankruptcycredit of bankruptcy
破产法例:  bankruptcy act
Example Sentences:
1.At first , it indicated the differences between the system of reorganization in china and it in other countries . then it studied the reasons and application of the reorganization , the court ' s acceptance and examination of the reorganization application , the agreement of the reorganization and termination and completion of the reorganization . all the parts discussed how to construct the relative perfect and independent the system of composition with creditors in relation to the enterprise conciliation and reorganization law ( draft )
在论述破产重整制度的构建中,首先论述我国破产法的整顿制度与真正意义上的破产重整制度的区别,然后从破产重整的原因、破产重整的申请及法院的受理和审查、重整协议、重整的终止与完成几个方面,并结合我国新《企业破产与重整法(草案) 》 ( 2000年6月) ,对如何构建我国的破产重整程序作出论述,以期建立完善和独立的破产重整制度。
Similar Words:
"破产银行" English translation, "破产营业衰落" English translation, "破产优先偿付" English translation, "破产与兼并蒋晓冬" English translation, "破产与债务人的选择" English translation, "破产原因" English translation, "破产原则" English translation, "破产在线" English translation, "破产债权" English translation, "破产债权人" English translation