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English translation for "短期天气预报"

short term forecast of weather
short-period forecast
short-range weather forecast
short-range weather prediction
short-term weather forecast
short-term weather prediction

Related Translations:
机场天气预报:  aerodrome forecastaerodrome weather forecast
短期:  short-term; short period 短语和例子在短期内 in a short time; in a brief space of time; 短期计划 a short-term planning; 作短期打算 take short views; 从短期看 on a short view; 短期保险 short---term insurance; 短期拆借 ca
短期票券:  short-term investments - short-term notes and bills
短期轮作:  short rotation
短期活性:  short lived activity
短期循环:  kitchin cycle
短期进修:  block release
短期毒性:  short term toxicity
短期借款:  money borrowed for short timeshort loanshort moneyshort term debtshort term loansshort-term borrowings(debt)shortterm loanshort-term loanstrust receipt
短期租船:  spot charter
Example Sentences:
1.The mothed of scoreing quantity of short - term weather forecast in weihai city
2.As the most essential method of fixed time , fixed point and quantitative forecasting , numeric weather forecasting has became the primary technical way of the medium - term and short - term forecasting
3.The main objective of orsm is to provide short - range weather forecasts for the next couple of days . the 20 - km orsm is run eight times a day at 00 , 03 , 06 , 09 , 12 , 15 , 18 and 21 utc to provide 24 - hour forecasts
: orsm的主要任务是提供未来一两天的短期天气预报。 20公里内模式每日运算八次,分别在协调世界时的00 03 06 09 12 15 18及21时,更新未来24小时的天气预报。
Similar Words:
"短期水文预报" English translation, "短期瞬时荷载" English translation, "短期速成计划" English translation, "短期损失" English translation, "短期所得净益" English translation, "短期天气展望" English translation, "短期听力恢复及存储" English translation, "短期停留" English translation, "短期通融资金" English translation, "短期通知, 短期通知贷款" English translation