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English translation for "着陆地点"

landing piston

Related Translations:
签发提单的地点及日期:  place and date of issue
编队着陆:  formation landing
着陆减震:  landing shock absorption
纵深着陆:  land in depth
平稳着陆:  smooth landing
最终着陆:  final landing
盲目着陆:  [航空] blind approach; blind landing
着陆准确度:  landing accuracy
直接着陆:  straight in landing
喷气式飞机着陆:  jet landing
Example Sentences:
1.Snake : i got blown pretty far off target
2.Nasa managers are sifting through a variety of options on where to land the space shuttle discovery
3.Despite days of worries about weather and alternative landing sites , nasa was able to use its preferred landing location
4.Despite days of worries about weather and alternative landing sites , nasa was able to use its preferred landing location
尽管连续几天担心天气和更换着陆点,但美国国家航空暨太空总署( nasa )仍然使用了先前的着陆地点
5.Despite days of worries about weather and alternative landing sites , nasa was able to use its preferred landing location
6.Even the ripples were a danger to our overloaded craft ; but the worst of it was that we were swept out of our true course , and away from our proper landing - place behind the point
7.Low clouds kept shuttle discovery and its crew of seven from making their much - anticipated return to earth , and nasa vowed to bring the spacecraft down tuesday in florida , california or possibly even new mexico
低沉的云层阻碍了“发现”号航天飞机和机上七名工作人员预期的返航,美国宇航局( nasa )誓言要在本周二让这架航天飞机重返地球,着陆地点可能在佛罗里达州、加利福尼亚州甚至是新墨西哥州。
8.We must keep up - stream . you see , sir , he went on , if once we dropped to leeward of the landing - place , it s hard to say where we should get ashore besides the chance of being boarded by the gigs ; whereas , the way we go the current must slacken , and then we can dodge back along the shore
“你看,先生,我们必须逆水行舟, ”他接着说道, “要是一旦我们错过了那个着陆地点,很难说我们会在哪儿上岸,除非是在那两只划子边上停船,反之,照我们现在这个航向走,湍流势必是要减弱的,然后我们就可以沿着海岸退回来。 ”
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