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English translation for "眼杆"

eye bar
eye rod
Example Sentences:
1.It was the first eyebar suspension bridge .
2.One such crack formed on the net section at the pin hole, much like an eyebar failure .
3.One such failure that occurred in a santa fe bridge in oklahoma was found to be caused by a forge lap in the eyebar head .
4.The failure of the point pleasant or silver bridge, in west virginia, in 1967 which was caused by the fracture of an eyebar is well known .
5.The failure of the point pleasant or silver bridge , in west virginia , in 1967 which was caused by the fracture of an eyebar is well known
众所周知, 1961年西弗吉尼亚洲的莱森特角桥又名银桥的破坏是由于眼杆断裂引起的。
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